Etasse & Associés, lawyers firm Cannes in French Riviera

Etasse & Associés, lawyers firm Cannes in French Riviera
What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

When French law is applicable to a succession, the French Civil code foresees that a determined part of the deceased's heritage must compulsorily be assigned to the children, namely half in presence of one child, two third in presence of two children, and three quarter in presence of three or more children. 
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International marriages and the conditions for their recognition.

International marriages and the conditions for their recognition.

Marriage, a union and mutual commitment between two people, is considered as being international in the three following scenarios: the union of two French nationals living abroad, of two foreign nationals living in France, or two spouses of different nationalities. Though these situations are increasingly frequent, special attention however needs to be paid to the requirements for international marriages to be recognised in order to ensure the latter's full effectiveness and avoid any subsequent difficulties. Generally speaking, to be recognised, a marriage must comply with the local rules applicable in the location where the marriage was celebrated, as regards the formal requirements (ex: civil or religious marriage, etc.) and the personal rules applicable to the spouses (depending on their nationality), as regards substantive requirements (ex: age of majority). The situation of French nationals abroad and foreign nationals in France must thus be distinguished. * conditions for the recognition of marriages between French nationals abroad: Many formalities must imperatively be observed should French nationals marry abroad. Before marrying, the future spouses will need to request the French consulate of the country in which the marriage is to be celebrated to establish a "certificate of no impediment". Next, the spouses will need to "publish the banns". Finally, the marriage will imperatively need to be recorded in the French civil status registers. To do so, the spouses will need to contact the French Consulate or Embassy. *conditions for the recognition of marriages between foreign nationals in France: In this case, the local rules – i.e. the French rules – will apply. The marriage will thus be celebrated before a French Civil Registrar. If the two spouses share the same foreign nationality, their marriage may also sometimes be celebrated in front of their country's consular or diplomatic authorities. However, the substantive requirements under the law of each of the spouses' countries will need to be observed (ex: as regards the age of majority) and the spouses will need to make sure that their national laws do not impose a religious celebration as a condition for validity. If the foreign law imposes the latter requirement, it would then be in the spouses' best interest to carry out a religious marriage after the civil marriage in order to ensure the effectiveness of their union in their country of origin.
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What is a tontine clause?

What is a tontine clause?

The tontine clause that must be inserted in the acquisition act, is often considered in the scope of the protection of the surviving spouse or the partner. This clause foresees that the owner of the goods shall be the survivor of the signatories of the tontine pact. Often it aims to avoid the application of the hereditary reserve to the death of the first of the spouses or partners. But pay attention to the tax system for those that are not married nor in civil unions. 
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May a Civil Union be concluded abroad?

May a Civil Union be concluded abroad?

A French person resident abroad who wishes to conclude a civil union with another French or foreign person must make a joint declaration at the embassy or the Consulate of the common place of residence. The PACS (civil union) recorded at the consulate of France shall be subject to French law insofar as the law applicable to this partnership is the law of the registration authority. After the registration, the formalities of advertisement will be conducted with specific mention made in margin of the birth certificate of each partner on the existence of this PACS. Warning: in France, the PACS does not grant any right of succession to the partner in an automatic manner.  The partners anxious to protect themselves in case of death, should contact their notary to consider testamentary provisions
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Alexandra Etasse, in charge of the International Department of Etasse et Associés will assist you in estate planning, since internationally it can be even more important than in a national context; to hand down your estate properly, it is necessary to plan and control how it is transferred. In addition, Alexandra Etasse will advise you on the best way to anticipate the sometimes complex problems related to the existence of foreign legal vehicles (for instance, trusts), international tax issues, or your desire to protect your spouse or your heirs. We will prepare the deeds of transfer of your property. 
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Are all non-resident individuals subject to the payment of social charges?

Are all non-resident individuals subject to the payment of social charges?

          The application of social charges to capital gains realised by non-residents is currently the subject of a procedure against the French State. The French Council of State (“Conseil d’Etat”) has also referred a question to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling on whether these social charges can be levied on persons not benefiting from the scheme that these contributions are intended to fund. To date, the issue of the payment of social charges by non-residents is still not fully resolved. However, it would appear that the Direction générale des finances publiques (the French Department of Public Revenue) has communicated guidelines to its regional branches with a view to ensuring that the Land Registry Office and local tax offices should no longer require the payment of social charges in the situations covered by the ECJ case law of February 2015 and that of the Council of State of July 2015. It would therefore seem that in the current state of the law, sales of real estate undertaken by taxpayers from a social security scheme of another Member State of the EEA will not entail the payment of social charges. However, it is necessary for the taxpayer in question to provide evidence to their notary of their affiliation to a social security scheme in a foreign Member State of the EU or EEA, by means of either a social security card or a certificate of affiliation.
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You're looking for a lawyer for an estate planning in Cannes in French Riviera? Get in touch with our team. ETASSE et Associés is a French law firm expert in private international law. Our specialists will advise you on how to hand down your estate, how to plan its transfer and assist you in many other fields. You can also contact ETASSE et Associés if you're looking for a lawyer for a real estate sale in Cannes in French Riviera.

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