Notary international real estate transactions Cannes in French Riviera

Notary international real estate transactions Cannes in French Riviera
The gift between spouses in an international context

The gift between spouses in an international context

The gift between spouses, also called "gift to the last survivor" is very often used by couples wishing to increase their protection in the event of death. But this institution is little known abroad. It is unknown under some law systems, while others prohibit it. Moreover, in an international context, a gift between spouses can raise difficulties. To avoid such difficulties, it often appears wiser for a couple owning assets abroad or living abroad or when at least one of the partners is of foreign nationality, to make wills. Spouses may establish themselves by will reciprocally as sole legatees. Thus the objective sought by the gift between spouses, namely to increase the protection of the surviving spouse, will be achieved. 
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In an international context, the future spouses will need to anticipate the issue of determining their matrimonial regime. To this end, the international department of ETASSE et Associés advises its French clients living abroad or foreign clients living in France, in order to determine the most suitable matrimonial regime for their situation. Only a marriage contract may guarantee spouses the legal security and stability in an international context. For spouses already married, the international department assists them with any change in the applicable law or regime. 
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What is a tontine clause?

What is a tontine clause?

The tontine clause that must be inserted in the acquisition act, is often considered in the scope of the protection of the surviving spouse or the partner. This clause foresees that the owner of the goods shall be the survivor of the signatories of the tontine pact. Often it aims to avoid the application of the hereditary reserve to the death of the first of the spouses or partners. But pay attention to the tax system for those that are not married nor in civil unions. 
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Our services in the sector of Cannes in French Riviera



Alexandra Etasse, in charge of the International Department of ETASSE et Associes, will assist you in the settlement of international estates. She  will provide you with the best advice on the often complex problems related to the existence of foreign legal vehicles (such as trusts) or on questions of international taxation. To accomplish this, it may be necessary for our International Department to work with other lawyers specialising in foreign law. The International Department of the ETASSE et Associes law office will draft the legal and tax instruments (act of notoriety, succession declaration, deed of partition, etc.)
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Can I choose the Notary  anywhere in France ?

Can I choose the Notary anywhere in France ?

Yes you can choose a notary anywhere in France to assist your in a property purchase. The purchaser and the seller can have different notaires, and  this will not incur any extra charges or fees
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Our area of ​​activity for this service Notary international real estate transactions

Real estate capital gains for non-residents.

Real estate capital gains for non-residents.

A non-resident may sell real estate property situated in France. In principle these disposals are subject to tax in France. However, certain provisions can limit or eliminate this tax. The sale of a property in France by a non-resident individual comes under the regime of real estate capital gains. Since 1 January 2015, the real estate capital gains of individuals are taxed at a single rate of 19% to which social charges are usually added (subject to what we discuss below). The provisions for exemption from real estate capital gains existing for residents also apply to non-residents (e.g., disposal of property held for more than 30 years, or for more than 22 years in some cases, etc.). 
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You're looking for a lawyer for an estate planning in Cannes in French Riviera? Get in touch with our team. ETASSE et Associés is a French law firm expert in private international law. Our specialists will advise you on how to hand down your estate, how to plan its transfer and assist you in many other fields. You can also contact ETASSE et Associés if you're looking for a lawyer for a real estate sale in Cannes in French Riviera.

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