Lawyer for an international marriage contract Paris Montmartre 18ème

Lawyer for an international marriage contract Paris Montmartre 18ème
What is the ‘Communauté universelle’ ?

What is the ‘Communauté universelle’ ?

           The universal community place the French property in a matrimonial fund, which passes automatically to the surviving spouse. Once again the legal reserve rules are postponed. There are limitations to the use of the universal community, in particular wher there are children from a previous marriage
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What are the notaire’s fees (“frais de notaires”) ?

What are the notaire’s fees (“frais de notaires”) ?

Although the total amount of fees and taxes is often refererred to as «  notaire’s fees » (frais de notaire) ; the notaire’s fee is actually only about1%. Usually on a given purchase, costs are approximately 7 % of the purchase price, which include transfer duty, , Land Registry charges, the notaire’s fees and related VAT. All these amounts are stipulated by law , and are based on the value of the property. In general these amounts are the same all over France
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Can the outbuildings of the principal residence also enjoy exemption from real estate capital gains tax?

Can the outbuildings of the principal residence also enjoy exemption from real estate capital gains tax?

Under current law the immediate outbuildings of the primary residence (e.g., the utility room of the same property) enjoy exemption from real estate capital gains tax provided that the disposal of these outbuildings takes place simultaneously with that of the main residence. The disposal will be deemed to have been made simultaneously if the disposals take place within a "normal timeframe". To watch the video of the interview with Ms. Alexandra ETASSE on the role of the notary, notary's fees and buying property, follow this link. 
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Our services in the sector of Paris Montmartre 18ème

I am selling my primary residence to buy another primary residence

I am selling my primary residence to buy another primary residence

This situation is very frequent. However, it can present a number of risks: the risk of being in the obligation to buy whereas the sale of the flat has not yet taken place and the price of sale has not yet been paid; the risk of having sold whereas acquisition has been made impossible due to external factors (important legal problem in the file); the risk of being unable to coordinate sale and purchase at the same time. Once you have taken the decision to carry through on this project, you must get in touch with  the international department of  Etude ETASSE et Associes in order to be counselled well upstream. In effect, a number of clauses must be inserted at the time of signature of the sales agreement or of the undertaking to sell in order to protect yourself with regard to the conditions precedent. Moreover, it is important for you to fully understand the stakes of this purchase/resale. Lastly, the international department of ETASSE et Associes law firm, with your assistance, must study your sale file in order to have the time to bring up and iron out any possible difficulties so as not to be subject to delays that might be prejudicial to you.
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The international department of ETASSE et Associes can assist its clients with incorporating a company ETASSE et Associés assists its clients with incorporating companies, particularly real estate companies (SCI), drawing up memoranda and articles of association, the choice of form of company and the best adapted fiscal option. It also assists its clients with disposals of company shares, whether a sale or a donation and ‘Dutreil’ commitments are concerned. Moreover, it will analyse the company manager’s type of matrimonial regime. For most questions relating to company law, our law frim favours team work between the various departments.
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Our area of ​​activity for this service Lawyer for an international marriage contract



Alexandra Etasse, in charge of the International Department of ETASSE et Associes, will assist you in the settlement of international estates. She  will provide you with the best advice on the often complex problems related to the existence of foreign legal vehicles (such as trusts) or on questions of international taxation. To accomplish this, it may be necessary for our International Department to work with other lawyers specialising in foreign law. The International Department of the ETASSE et Associes law office will draft the legal and tax instruments (act of notoriety, succession declaration, deed of partition, etc.)
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You're looking for a lawyer for an estate planning in Paris Montmartre 18ème? Get in touch with our team. ETASSE et Associés is a French law firm expert in private international law. Our specialists will advise you on how to hand down your estate, how to plan its transfer and assist you in many other fields. You can also contact ETASSE et Associés if you're looking for a lawyer for a real estate sale in Paris Montmartre 18ème.

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