Notary in France to assist you with a Trust Caen in Normandy

Notary in France to assist you with a Trust Caen in Normandy
What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

When French law is applicable to a succession, the French Civil code foresees that a determined part of the deceased's heritage must compulsorily be assigned to the children, namely half in presence of one child, two third in presence of two children, and three quarter in presence of three or more children. 
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Is it possible to get married in France with a person of the same sex and foreign nationality?

Is it possible to get married in France with a person of the same sex and foreign nationality?

The Civil code foresees that "two people of the same sex may contract a marriage when for at least one of them, either their personal law, or the law of the state in the territory where they have domicile or their residence, so permits it" (art. 202-1 al. 1 and 2 of the Civil code). Also, under reservation to respect these conditions a foreigner where in their personal law homosexual marriage is forbidden, may however get married in France. However, it is likely that this marriage will not be fully recognized abroad and not in the country of origin of the foreign spouse
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What is the role of the Notaire in the purchase of real estate ?

What is the role of the Notaire in the purchase of real estate ?

In France, Notaires have exclusive authority for preparing and drafting  deeds of sale. Once you have chosen a property and agreed on the purchase price, you will typically be asked to sign a preliminary contract which may be drafted by an estate agent or by the notaire. You will also be required to pay a deposit, usually 10% of the purchase price. There is a mandatory cooling off period of ten  days during which the purchaser may withdraw. As part of the sale process, the seller is required to arrange for a number of inspection reports on the property The main reports currently produced relate to  : Asbestos , lead , termites , energy efficiency , environmental, mining and industrial risks , gas installations, electrical wiring, septic tanks. After the preliminary contract has been signed, the notaire will check : -that each contracting party is qualified and empowered to sell or purchase the property - that the seller has a valid title to the property - that the title of ownership does not contain any easements or restrictions, - that no mortgage or charges exist over the property and that all rights of pre- emption have been waived. After completion, the Notaire is responsible for having the title deed recorded at the Land Registry. Finally, consideration must be given at an early stage to who is going to purchase the property. The answer to this question will depend on the personal circumstances of the purchaser, the situation regarding inheritance taxes and the legal implications arising from the purchase.  Please feel free to contact Alexandra ETASSE before signing the preliminary contract to obtain further information and to analyse together what is the most suitable ownership arrangement for you in the purchase of a property in France
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Our services in the sector of Caen in Normandy



The international department of ETASSE et Associes can assist its clients with incorporating a company ETASSE et Associés assists its clients with incorporating companies, particularly real estate companies (SCI), drawing up memoranda and articles of association, the choice of form of company and the best adapted fiscal option. It also assists its clients with disposals of company shares, whether a sale or a donation and ‘Dutreil’ commitments are concerned. Moreover, it will analyse the company manager’s type of matrimonial regime. For most questions relating to company law, our law frim favours team work between the various departments.
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If the marriage is ratified abroad and has been preceded by a marriage contract, are there any formalities to observe?

If the marriage is ratified abroad and has been preceded by a marriage contract, are there any formalities to observe?

If the marriage has been ratified abroad it will be necessary at the time of the transcription of your marriage to indicate the existence of a possible marriage contract previously established so that mention is made thereof in the margin of your marriage act. This mention will also be indicated in your family register. 
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Our area of ​​activity for this service Notary in France to assist you with a Trust

What are the major stages for the regulation of a succession?

What are the major stages for the regulation of a succession?

If the notary accompanies his clients in the good times (e.g: marriage, purchase), he is also there to assist them in painful times such as is the death of a close relative and the regulation of a succession. The international department of the ETASSE et Associés law office, is directed by Maître Alexandra ETASSE, specialist in International Private Law. She accompanies her clients in the framework of regulation of succession in international dimension by taking into consideration both the legal and civil, as well as fiscal dimensions. In a general manner, the regulation of a succession takes place in five stages: 1 / The opening of the succession. The heirs should choose a notary to help them in the regulation of the succession. In a general manner it is advised that they all agree on this choice so that a single notary is in charge of the regulation of this succession. The notary and the heirs should search for the existence of a possible will left by the deceased, either in his personal business, in a notary's office in France or abroad or among any other jurists abroad. The wills which are at a notary in France are in principle recorded in a central file, denoted the Central File of Provisions of Last Will and Testaments. This file will be queried by the notary in charge of the regulation of the succession. It is important to note that in France, contrary to what happens in other foreign legal systems, the heirs are personally responsible for the regulation of the succession and the payment of the succession dues. 2 / The establishment of the act of notoriety. The notary in charge of the regulation of notoriety, shall draw up an act of succession, in which will be listed all the heirs, legatees and the rights of each as well as their shares in the succession. 3 / The determination of the act of succession. This stage aims to determine both the act and the liability of the succession by taking into consideration the matrimonial regime of the deceased. The prior donations will also be considered both for civil and fiscal reasons. The existence of a life insurance contract must sometimes be taken in account in the determination of the succession assets.  4 / The option. Once the succession assets are determined, the heirs must opt between various choices (e.g: to accept the succession). The surviving spouse with regard to the particular options (e.g.: the usufruct of the whole). 5 / The establishment of the succession declaration and the regulation of taxes.  The taxation of the succession assets shall be a function of the nature of the assets and the relationship between the heirs and the deceased as well as of the existence of possible international conventions. In addition, the notary will be charged to draw up the other acts possibly necessary to finalise the regulation of the succession (e.g: certification of ownership for the real estate assets, certificate of ownership for the parts of a company, closure of the inventory…) In a general manner when the succession includes some international elements, the international department of the ETASSE et Associés law office, will analyse the situation. Often, it is also necessary to resort to services of a jurist in the country concerned
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You're looking for a lawyer for an estate planning in Caen in Normandy? Get in touch with our team. ETASSE et Associés is a French law firm expert in private international law. Our specialists will advise you on how to hand down your estate, how to plan its transfer and assist you in many other fields. You can also contact ETASSE et Associés if you're looking for a lawyer for a real estate sale in Caen in Normandy.

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