Etasse et Associés, notary office Paris Batignolles in Triangle d'Or

Etasse et Associés, notary office Paris Batignolles in Triangle d'Or
What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

When French law is applicable to a succession, the French Civil code foresees that a determined part of the deceased's heritage must compulsorily be assigned to the children, namely half in presence of one child, two third in presence of two children, and three quarter in presence of three or more children. 
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What are the new rules on international succession applicable from 17 August 2015?

What are the new rules on international succession applicable from 17 August 2015?

Since 17 August 2015, a major European Regulation dated 4 July 2012 has come into effect. The provisions of this Regulation apply where the deceased died on or after 17 August 2015. The Regulation aims at unifying the laws on inheritance so that the assets left by the deceased, whether movable or immovable, will no longer be divided and subject to different laws. They will be subject to a single law, the law of the State in which the deceased had his habitual residence at time of death. But this law also allows for the planning of his estate. Thus, this Regulation allows people to choose their inheritance law and to designate their national law to govern the whole of their estate. This choice of law is called "professio juris".  For greater legal certainty it is strongly recommended that you make this choice of law in writing in the form of a will. Nevertheless, the designated law will apply only on condition that it is not contrary to international public order.  The International Department of ETASSE et Associés will assist you in drafting your wills in an international context and in this choice of inheritance law. Our team will give you advice for considering the possibilities offered by this Succession Regulation but also its limitations. Indeed, although the Succession Regulation is "universal" in character (applicable regardless of the nationality of the persons concerned, even if they are not nationals of a connected State), its opposability in regard to third countries may raise some difficulties. Moreover, the determination of "habitual residence at time of death" can sometimes be tricky. Warning: this Succession Regulation contains no provisions on taxation. It will therefore always be necessary to refer to the provisions of the Code Générale des Impôts (the French General Tax Code), to the tax treaties signed between France and many States, and possibly the national tax systems of each State. Here again, seeking advice from the International Department of ETASSE et Associés will prove to be extremely usefu
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How can we assist you in buying or selling your property in France ?

How can we assist you in buying or selling your property in France ?

Alexandra ETASSE, in charge of the law firm's International Department, is a certified specialist of Private International Law Her dual training and professional experience, both in France and abroad, enables her to assist international clients, border residents, or clients residing outside of France, for the purchase, financing and estate planning. mortgages or financing, and any other subjects pertaining to legal and taxation aspects as regards real estate ownership. She also helps her clients find the most suitable way in which to acquire property in France and structure the financing and purchase of real estate in France. She mainly handles international cases, in particular for English-speaking clients or any other international clients, for the acquisition and sale of property in France, cross-border financing, loans carried out by foreign citizens, and any other issues pertaining to the legal and fiscal aspects of real estate. For all matters fitting into an international context and real estate transactions, or financing plans, the International Department of ETASSE et Associés law firm assists and advises its clients whether they be foreign, non-residents, border residents and expatriates or French people residing abroad. The International Department of ETASSE et Associes will assist you in any purchase or sale in France with an international aspect, be it that you are foreigners without a command of French, or French nationals abroad, or even in a cross-border situation. The International Department of ETASSE et Associes will take charge of drafting the compromis de vente (sales commitment) or promesse de vente (sales undertaking) and the final deed of sale while providing you with expert advice on Private International Law. We will give you guidance throughout your project so that it can be achieved with the greatest possible success. As soon as we receive the documents pertaining to your file, the International Department of ETASSE et Associes will carry out a comprehensive study in order to discuss with you all the questions that concern you regarding taxation (e.g.: advice on the ISF wealth tax and international taxation), real estate capital gains for non-residents, notary's fees, setting up financing in an international context, deciding on your matrimonial regime, estate planning, protection of the spouse and/or heirs. … Naturally, all the legal particularities occurring in your case will be analysed as will the specificities relating to any international considerations. The objective of Alexandra Etasse and of the International Department of ETASSE et Associes is to answer your questions, assist you in your purchase or sale project and to ensure complete legal certainty.
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Our services in the sector of Paris Batignolles in Triangle d'Or

Are all non-resident individuals subject to the payment of social charges?

Are all non-resident individuals subject to the payment of social charges?

          The application of social charges to capital gains realised by non-residents is currently the subject of a procedure against the French State. The French Council of State (“Conseil d’Etat”) has also referred a question to the ECJ for a preliminary ruling on whether these social charges can be levied on persons not benefiting from the scheme that these contributions are intended to fund. To date, the issue of the payment of social charges by non-residents is still not fully resolved. However, it would appear that the Direction générale des finances publiques (the French Department of Public Revenue) has communicated guidelines to its regional branches with a view to ensuring that the Land Registry Office and local tax offices should no longer require the payment of social charges in the situations covered by the ECJ case law of February 2015 and that of the Council of State of July 2015. It would therefore seem that in the current state of the law, sales of real estate undertaken by taxpayers from a social security scheme of another Member State of the EEA will not entail the payment of social charges. However, it is necessary for the taxpayer in question to provide evidence to their notary of their affiliation to a social security scheme in a foreign Member State of the EU or EEA, by means of either a social security card or a certificate of affiliation.
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What is the ‘Communauté universelle’ ?

What is the ‘Communauté universelle’ ?

           The universal community place the French property in a matrimonial fund, which passes automatically to the surviving spouse. Once again the legal reserve rules are postponed. There are limitations to the use of the universal community, in particular wher there are children from a previous marriage
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Our area of ​​activity for this service Etasse et Associés, notary office

What are the notaire’s fees (“frais de notaires”) ?

What are the notaire’s fees (“frais de notaires”) ?

Although the total amount of fees and taxes is often refererred to as «  notaire’s fees » (frais de notaire) ; the notaire’s fee is actually only about1%. Usually on a given purchase, costs are approximately 7 % of the purchase price, which include transfer duty, , Land Registry charges, the notaire’s fees and related VAT. All these amounts are stipulated by law , and are based on the value of the property. In general these amounts are the same all over France
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You're looking for a lawyer for an estate planning in Paris Batignolles in Triangle d'Or? Get in touch with our team. ETASSE et Associés is a French law firm expert in private international law. Our specialists will advise you on how to hand down your estate, how to plan its transfer and assist you in many other fields. You can also contact ETASSE et Associés if you're looking for a lawyer for a real estate sale in Paris Batignolles in Triangle d'Or.

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