Efficiency of the choice of law in a will (professio juris) Paris Montmartre 18ème

Efficiency of the choice of law in a will (professio juris) Paris Montmartre 18ème
How to purchase a property in France

How to purchase a property in France

To watch the video of the interview with Ms. Alexandra ETASSE on the role of the notary, notary's fees and buying property, follow this link 
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International marriages and the conditions for their recognition.

International marriages and the conditions for their recognition.

Marriage, a union and mutual commitment between two people, is considered as being international in the three following scenarios: the union of two French nationals living abroad, of two foreign nationals living in France, or two spouses of different nationalities. Though these situations are increasingly frequent, special attention however needs to be paid to the requirements for international marriages to be recognised in order to ensure the latter's full effectiveness and avoid any subsequent difficulties. Generally speaking, to be recognised, a marriage must comply with the local rules applicable in the location where the marriage was celebrated, as regards the formal requirements (ex: civil or religious marriage, etc.) and the personal rules applicable to the spouses (depending on their nationality), as regards substantive requirements (ex: age of majority). The situation of French nationals abroad and foreign nationals in France must thus be distinguished. * conditions for the recognition of marriages between French nationals abroad: Many formalities must imperatively be observed should French nationals marry abroad. Before marrying, the future spouses will need to request the French consulate of the country in which the marriage is to be celebrated to establish a "certificate of no impediment". Next, the spouses will need to "publish the banns". Finally, the marriage will imperatively need to be recorded in the French civil status registers. To do so, the spouses will need to contact the French Consulate or Embassy. *conditions for the recognition of marriages between foreign nationals in France: In this case, the local rules – i.e. the French rules – will apply. The marriage will thus be celebrated before a French Civil Registrar. If the two spouses share the same foreign nationality, their marriage may also sometimes be celebrated in front of their country's consular or diplomatic authorities. However, the substantive requirements under the law of each of the spouses' countries will need to be observed (ex: as regards the age of majority) and the spouses will need to make sure that their national laws do not impose a religious celebration as a condition for validity. If the foreign law imposes the latter requirement, it would then be in the spouses' best interest to carry out a religious marriage after the civil marriage in order to ensure the effectiveness of their union in their country of origin.
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What is an international estate?

What is an international estate?

We refer to an international estate when the inheritance has an international aspect. So there will be an international estate if the deceased held an asset in at least one country other than that of his nationality or residence, or if the deceased dies in a country other than that of his nationality or residence. 
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Our services in the sector of Paris Montmartre 18ème

Which documents need to be gathered and given to the notary upon the opening of an estate settlement file?

Which documents need to be gathered and given to the notary upon the opening of an estate settlement file?

The deceased's family record book and marriage contract, if any. An extract of the deceased's death certificate.  An authentic copy of the judgement of divorce or legal separation, if any An authentic copy of any gift between spouses the deceased may have formalised Any will the deceased may have drawn up, or name and address of the person who may have said will within their possession. All savings accounts. The bank information for each of the banks within which an account is opened in the name of the deceased and their spouse in the case of shared assets (including any joint bank accounts). Any registered or bearer securities at the place of residence. All documents pertaining to all pensions and retirement benefits received by the deceased or their spouse. The registration certificates for all vehicles belonging to the deceased and their spouse, in the case of shared vehicles. All information and documents concerning any receivables. Any life-insurance policies taken out by the deceased or their spouse (in the case of shared policies). Information on all property owned:  Authentic copies of all real estate acquisition deeds All leases and information on the rentals granted. The latest insurance premium receipts for the buildings. Name and address of the property manager.  Name and address of the property management company All information on the deceased's debts, i.e. all bills paid after their death for expenses incurred before their death: -           + Last illness costs. -           + Funeral expenses. -           + Loans. -           + Last tax notice. -           + Wealth tax. + Property tax. -           + Local tax.  + Miscellaneous bills.  Any information on the benefits the deceased may have received as part of social assistance or the National solidarity fund.   You will also need to provide all information on any gifts made to their children during the marriage, as well as on any gifts or estates received by the deceased or their spouse during the marriage, and on any sale of private property having belonged to the deceased. Depending on the nature of the deceased's assets, additional documents may be required
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In an international context, the future spouses will need to anticipate the issue of determining their matrimonial regime. To this end, the international department of ETASSE et Associés advises its French clients living abroad or foreign clients living in France, in order to determine the most suitable matrimonial regime for their situation. Only a marriage contract may guarantee spouses the legal security and stability in an international context. For spouses already married, the international department assists them with any change in the applicable law or regime. 
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Our area of ​​activity for this service Efficiency of the choice of law in a will (professio juris)

What documents must I provide the notary with when I sell my flat?

What documents must I provide the notary with when I sell my flat?

  - the deed of ownership - a copy of the identity card or of the passport of each vendor - a copy of the condominium rules and regulations and of all amendments thereto - the minutes of the general meeting of condominium owners for the last three years - a copy of the last four calls for condominium fees - a document called ‘dated pre-statement’ (pré-état daté) to be filled in by the property management firm, for which you will be billed (model provided by the notary) - asbestos diagnosis in the communal parts and, where applicable, all other technical diagnoses carried out in the communal parts - a copy of the last property tax notice in your possession - the Carrez law certificate of surface area - the compulsory technical diagnoses: asbestos, lead, energy performance, statement of natural and technological hazards, electrical diagnosis (unless the electrical installation has been entirely redone in less than fifteen years and you are able to provide proof thereof with bills), gas (if there exists an installation for heating or for the production of hot water using gas and it is less than fifteen years old) as well as, for most departments, notably Paris, a report on parasites - if the property is leased or might have been leased: a copy of the lease and of the letter of notice for the lessee to vacate - all information or documents relating to the flat and to be brought to the buyer’s attention under the duty of loyalty: work carried out in the flat, defects, disputes, etc. 
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You're looking for a lawyer for an estate planning in Paris Montmartre 18ème? Get in touch with our team. ETASSE et Associés is a French law firm expert in private international law. Our specialists will advise you on how to hand down your estate, how to plan its transfer and assist you in many other fields. You can also contact ETASSE et Associés if you're looking for a lawyer for a real estate sale in Paris Montmartre 18ème.

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