Legal support for cross-border real estate transactions in Caen Normandie

How can we assist you in buying or selling your property in France ?

How can we assist you in buying or selling your property in France ?

Alexandra ETASSE, in charge of the law firm's International Department, is a certified specialist of Private International Law Her dual training and professional experience, both in France and abroad, enables her to assist international clients, border residents, or clients residing outside of France, for the purchase, financing and estate planning. mortgages or financing, and any other subjects pertaining to legal and taxation aspects as regards real estate ownership. She also helps her clients find the most suitable way in which to acquire property in France and structure the financing and purchase of real estate in France. She mainly handles international cases, in particular for English-speaking clients or any other international clients, for the acquisition and sale of property in France, cross-border financing, loans carried out by foreign citizens, and any other issues pertaining to the legal and fiscal aspects of real estate. For all matters fitting into an international context and real estate transactions, or financing plans, the International Department of ETASSE et Associés law firm assists and advises its clients whether they be foreign, non-residents, border residents and expatriates or French people residing abroad. The International Department of ETASSE et Associes will assist you in any purchase or sale in France with an international aspect, be it that you are foreigners without a command of French, or French nationals abroad, or even in a cross-border situation. The International Department of ETASSE et Associes will take charge of drafting the compromis de vente (sales commitment) or promesse de vente (sales undertaking) and the final deed of sale while providing you with expert advice on Private International Law. We will give you guidance throughout your project so that it can be achieved with the greatest possible success. As soon as we receive the documents pertaining to your file, the International Department of ETASSE et Associes will carry out a comprehensive study in order to discuss with you all the questions that concern you regarding taxation (e.g.: advice on the ISF wealth tax and international taxation), real estate capital gains for non-residents, notary's fees, setting up financing in an international context, deciding on your matrimonial regime, estate planning, protection of the spouse and/or heirs. … Naturally, all the legal particularities occurring in your case will be analysed as will the specificities relating to any international considerations. The objective of Alexandra Etasse and of the International Department of ETASSE et Associes is to answer your questions, assist you in your purchase or sale project and to ensure complete legal certainty.
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Can the outbuildings of the principal residence also enjoy exemption from real estate capital gains tax?

Can the outbuildings of the principal residence also enjoy exemption from real estate capital gains tax?

Under current law the immediate outbuildings of the primary residence (e.g., the utility room of the same property) enjoy exemption from real estate capital gains tax provided that the disposal of these outbuildings takes place simultaneously with that of the main residence. The disposal will be deemed to have been made simultaneously if the disposals take place within a "normal timeframe". To watch the video of the interview with Ms. Alexandra ETASSE on the role of the notary, notary's fees and buying property, follow this link. 
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When can a lender's preferential right (privilège de prêteur de deniers, or PPD) be taken as guarantee?

When can a lender's preferential right (privilège de prêteur de deniers, or PPD) be taken as guarantee?

The lender's preferential right is a security interest on the property. This security is unknown in most States. In an international context the PPD cannot always be used. The validity of the PPD assumes that it is recognised under the law of the country where the property is located (French law) and under the law applicable to the loan agreement. Conversely the lender's preferential right will not be recognised if it unknown in either of these two law systems. If the property is located in France and if French law is applicable to the loan agreement, a PPD may be taken
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Real estate capital gains for non-residents.

Real estate capital gains for non-residents.

A non-resident may sell real estate property situated in France. In principle these disposals are subject to tax in France. However, certain provisions can limit or eliminate this tax. The sale of a property in France by a non-resident individual comes under the regime of real estate capital gains. Since 1 January 2015, the real estate capital gains of individuals are taxed at a single rate of 19% to which social charges are usually added (subject to what we discuss below). The provisions for exemption from real estate capital gains existing for residents also apply to non-residents (e.g., disposal of property held for more than 30 years, or for more than 22 years in some cases, etc.). 
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The international department of ETASSE et Associes can assist its clients with incorporating a company ETASSE et Associés assists its clients with incorporating companies, particularly real estate companies (SCI), drawing up memoranda and articles of association, the choice of form of company and the best adapted fiscal option. It also assists its clients with disposals of company shares, whether a sale or a donation and ‘Dutreil’ commitments are concerned. Moreover, it will analyse the company manager’s type of matrimonial regime. For most questions relating to company law, our law frim favours team work between the various departments.
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Can a couple that is separated benefit from the exemption from real estate capital gains tax on the sale of their principal residence?

Can a couple that is separated benefit from the exemption from real estate capital gains tax on the sale of their principal residence?

  Yes, both members of a separated couple can benefit from the exemption in respect of the sale of the principal residence even if one member of the couple continues to live in the property. The exemption is subject to the fact that the property really was the couple's principal residence until the time of separation and that it subsequently continues to be the main residence of one member of the couple. 
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