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What are the new rules on international succession applicable from 17 August 2015?

What are the new rules on international succession applicable from 17 August 2015?

Since 17 August 2015, a major European Regulation dated 4 July 2012 has come into effect. The provisions of this Regulation apply where the deceased died on or after 17 August 2015. The Regulation aims at unifying the laws on inheritance so that the assets left by the deceased, whether movable or immovable, will no longer be divided and subject to different laws. They will be subject to a single law, the law of the State in which the deceased had his habitual residence at time of death. But this law also allows for the planning of his estate. Thus, this Regulation allows people to choose their inheritance law and to designate their national law to govern the whole of their estate. This choice of law is called "professio juris".  For greater legal certainty it is strongly recommended that you make this choice of law in writing in the form of a will. Nevertheless, the designated law will apply only on condition that it is not contrary to international public order.  The International Department of ETASSE et Associés will assist you in drafting your wills in an international context and in this choice of inheritance law. Our team will give you advice for considering the possibilities offered by this Succession Regulation but also its limitations. Indeed, although the Succession Regulation is "universal" in character (applicable regardless of the nationality of the persons concerned, even if they are not nationals of a connected State), its opposability in regard to third countries may raise some difficulties. Moreover, the determination of "habitual residence at time of death" can sometimes be tricky. Warning: this Succession Regulation contains no provisions on taxation. It will therefore always be necessary to refer to the provisions of the Code Générale des Impôts (the French General Tax Code), to the tax treaties signed between France and many States, and possibly the national tax systems of each State. Here again, seeking advice from the International Department of ETASSE et Associés will prove to be extremely usefu
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In an international context, the future spouses will need to anticipate the issue of determining their matrimonial regime. To this end, the international department of ETASSE et Associés advises its French clients living abroad or foreign clients living in France, in order to determine the most suitable matrimonial regime for their situation. Only a marriage contract may guarantee spouses the legal security and stability in an international context. For spouses already married, the international department assists them with any change in the applicable law or regime. 
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How can an automatic change in matrimonial regime be avoided?

How can an automatic change in matrimonial regime be avoided?

The Hague Convention of 14 March 1978 provides for various cases of automatic change in matrimonial regime merely because of a change of residence. We often talk about "involuntary" change of matrimonial regime, of "time bomb" and of "unsafe" automatic mutability because many spouses are unaware that they have changed their matrimonial regime simply by having moved. What is more, when spouses do become aware of the situation, it is often too late. This automatic mutability can present considerable difficulties in determining the property owned by each spouse, particularly in the context of an estate or divorce settlement. This risk is a real one for all spouses married after 1 September 1992 and who did not sign a prenuptial contract before their wedding or specify under which law they married. For them, the law on habitual residence will replace the previously applicable law in three situations: *When the couple set their new habitual residence in the territory of the State of which they are both nationals. In this case the spouses are automatically and immediately subject to the law of that State. (Example: two French nationals had settled in England after their marriage in 1994. No marriage contract had been signed. If they return to settle in France, they will automatically be subject to French law and therefore the legal regime of community of aquests (limited to assets acquired after the marriage). *When the couple establish their habitual residence for at least 10 years in a country different from that of their first marital residence. In this situation, from the 11th year, the law of the State where the spouses have their habitual residence will replace the law previously applicable. * If the spouses were previously subject to their common national law in the absence of common residence in the same State at the time of marriage. However, it is necessary that the State of nationality has not made a declaration in favour of the national law. (Example: two Moroccan spouses were married in Morocco in 1995, without a prenuptial contract prior to their marriage. The husband was already working in France and returned there to live after the wedding while his wife remained in Morocco. In the absence of a common habitual residence, the spouses were therefore subject to Moroccan law and separation of property. When the wife came to join her husband in France, the couple automatically became subject to the French legal regime of community of acquests (limited to assets acquired after the marriage). ) To avoid the difficulties entailed by this automatic change of matrimonial regime, it is strongly recommended, in an international context, to have a marriage contract drawn up in presence of a notary in order to fix the choice of matrimonial regime. To this end, Ms. Alexandra ETASSE, in charge of the International Department of the Etasse et Associés law office, will advise and assist you in choosing the matrimonial regime best suited to your situation. 
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What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

What is the forced heirship (“réserve héréditaire”) ?

When French law is applicable to a succession, the French Civil code foresees that a determined part of the deceased's heritage must compulsorily be assigned to the children, namely half in presence of one child, two third in presence of two children, and three quarter in presence of three or more children. 
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What are the major stages for the regulation of a succession?

What are the major stages for the regulation of a succession?

If the notary accompanies his clients in the good times (e.g: marriage, purchase), he is also there to assist them in painful times such as is the death of a close relative and the regulation of a succession. The international department of the ETASSE et Associés law office, is directed by Maître Alexandra ETASSE, specialist in International Private Law. She accompanies her clients in the framework of regulation of succession in international dimension by taking into consideration both the legal and civil, as well as fiscal dimensions. In a general manner, the regulation of a succession takes place in five stages: 1 / The opening of the succession. The heirs should choose a notary to help them in the regulation of the succession. In a general manner it is advised that they all agree on this choice so that a single notary is in charge of the regulation of this succession. The notary and the heirs should search for the existence of a possible will left by the deceased, either in his personal business, in a notary's office in France or abroad or among any other jurists abroad. The wills which are at a notary in France are in principle recorded in a central file, denoted the Central File of Provisions of Last Will and Testaments. This file will be queried by the notary in charge of the regulation of the succession. It is important to note that in France, contrary to what happens in other foreign legal systems, the heirs are personally responsible for the regulation of the succession and the payment of the succession dues. 2 / The establishment of the act of notoriety. The notary in charge of the regulation of notoriety, shall draw up an act of succession, in which will be listed all the heirs, legatees and the rights of each as well as their shares in the succession. 3 / The determination of the act of succession. This stage aims to determine both the act and the liability of the succession by taking into consideration the matrimonial regime of the deceased. The prior donations will also be considered both for civil and fiscal reasons. The existence of a life insurance contract must sometimes be taken in account in the determination of the succession assets.  4 / The option. Once the succession assets are determined, the heirs must opt between various choices (e.g: to accept the succession). The surviving spouse with regard to the particular options (e.g.: the usufruct of the whole). 5 / The establishment of the succession declaration and the regulation of taxes.  The taxation of the succession assets shall be a function of the nature of the assets and the relationship between the heirs and the deceased as well as of the existence of possible international conventions. In addition, the notary will be charged to draw up the other acts possibly necessary to finalise the regulation of the succession (e.g: certification of ownership for the real estate assets, certificate of ownership for the parts of a company, closure of the inventory…) In a general manner when the succession includes some international elements, the international department of the ETASSE et Associés law office, will analyse the situation. Often, it is also necessary to resort to services of a jurist in the country concerned
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Voluntary change of law applicable to the matrimonial regime.

Voluntary change of law applicable to the matrimonial regime.

In an international context, husband and wife have the option of changing at any time the law applicable to their matrimonial regime. However, this choice is circumscribed by and limited to the following laws: -          that of the State of which one of them is a national, -          that of the State in which one of them is habitually resident at the time of the choice, -          that of the State where the immovable assets are located, but only in regard to these assets. This change of applicable law must result from an instrument executed in the form of a marriage contract. It may need to liquidate the previous regime. Steps to publicise such a change are necessary for opposability against third parties
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